HAPI Server for INTERMAGNET datasets

This server supports the HAPI 3.1 API specification for delivery of time series data. The server responds to GET requests to the following HAPI endpoints:

Data set IDs for the INTERMAGNET HAPI server are composed of 4 parts: <iaga-code>/<publication-state>/<cadence>/<orientation> where:

Some institutes choose to embargo their data for a short time. Privileged user IDs can be set up to bypass the embargo for users who have made arrangements with data providers. Once provided, these user IDs can be used with http Basic authentication to bypass the embargo. If authentication fails, no information about the failure will be provided in the response and data will be provided with embargoes in place. Details of the embargo that is applied to each observatory can be seen at the observatory details page.

For more information about Intermagnet see the INTERMAGNET Technical Manual.
Contact: e_ginman@bgs.ac.uk